

Finest Upcoming Nollywood Star About To Be Sued by South African Woman for Husband Snatching

This is one of those perfect story lines that we watch in movies. I'm just enforced to write about this because Nollywood seems to derive joy in giving the entertainment industry in Nigeria a bad name. Happenings in Nollywood, especially about marriages of actresses, give me worries a lot.


Each time I hear about how actresses settle for a 'second wife' or have destroy another woman's once happy home by marrying their husbands just to be called 'Mrs', I feel hurt and ask myself the simple question, is Nollywood cursed or under a spell?

 With all the single, cute and financially buoyant dudes in Nigeria, actresses would just prefer to make an innocent child and mother cry. They prefer a father to abandon their wonderful kids just to be with them (actresses). I hope you feel the hurt I am feeling inside of me right now. There cannot be a perfect union, as I'm also not spared of it, but as a public figure, because of the enormous task on their shoulders, celebs have to be extra careful with whatever they do.

Many actresses have disappointed their fans by destroying some once happy homes, they have wrecked the joy of some mothers and children all in the name of getting married by force. The industry needs to come together to unravel the misery behind Nollywood giving Nigeria's entertainment industry a bad name. We hear less of husband snatching saga in the music or other entertainment sectors in Nigeria.

 Now lets go back to the issue that actually brought us here, I think it is very imperative for Nollywood stars, especially the actresses, to do a proper reality check of themselves. They need to ask themselves many questions. The controversy surrounding one of Nigeria’s movie industry finest upcoming actresses, Lizzy Gold Onuwaje, who have featured in movies like Troubled King, Weeping King, Mother's Betrayer, Despirate Hawkers, World of My Prince, Village Babes, Cat in The Palace, Devil in Me, Nurses Cult, and so many numerous to be mentioned.


According, CNZnaija understands that Lizzy Gold Onuwaje last week was showered with all manner of insults from one South African Lady **name withheld** and warning her to stay away from her husband.
According to a source close to Lizzy Gold; confirmed to us that the SA lady have issued out a warning, asking Lizzy Gold to get her lawyer ready as she will be taking her to court soon
Findings revealed that Lizzy Gold and this Guy  in question **name withheld**  who is also from Urhobo, four years ago was seems to be having an affair with Lizzy Gold, We also gathered that he even went as far as proposing to her for marriage but as at then it appears Lizzy Gold was not ready to settle down. So after two years of dating, out of mutual consent they decided to call it a quit. It was after months of their breakup that the Guy told chased to tell Lizzy about the South African lay he just met and want to settle down with.

Well,according to our source, Lizzy Gold stopped seeing him when she realised the fact that the Guy in question is legally married to a South african lady.
We learnt that the South African lady found out about all this.....She believes Lizzy Gold has still got something to do with her husband and that she still sees her husband secretly.

She was quoted saying last week,
This so called nollywood actress is a husband snatcher; she wants to snatch my husband away from me. I will make sure i take her to court.
CNZnaija.com effort to contact Lizzy Gold and to get hear what she has to say about this proved abortive.
The big question now is,Why is it that female Nollywood stars have penchant for getting hitched to foreign and local based men who are already married to someone else? Considering the fact that actresses like Ini Edo, Stella Damasus and Stephanie Okereke have also been accused of snatching another woman's husband.
We will keep you posted as events unfold.


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