

Encouraging Words For Today - Standing in the Gap

I sought for a man...who would...stand in the gap. Ezekial 22:30

Someone has said, 'Prayer moves the hand that moves the world.' So you must give prayer its rightful place in your life-first place. In 'Glorious Intruder', Joni Eareckson Tada writes about Diane, who suffers from multiple sclerosis: 

'In her quiet sanctuary Diane turns her head slightly on the pillow towards the cork board on the wall. Her eyes scan each thumb-tacked card. Each photo. Each torn piece of paper, carefully pinned in a row. The stillness is broken as Diane begins to murmur. She's praying. Some would look at her, stiff and motionless, and shake their heads, What a shame, her life has no meaning. But Diane is confident, convinced that her life is significant and that her labour of prayer counts.

She moves mountains that block the paths of missionaries. She helps open the eyes of the spiritually blind in South East Asia. She pushes back the kingdom of darkness that blackens the alleys and streets of the gangs in east LA. She aids homeless mothers, abused children, despondent teenagers, and dying forgotten old people in the nursing home down the street from where she lives.

 Diane is an intercessor! She has heard the call of God, I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land.' So Diane is on the front lines advancing the gospel of Christ, holding up weak saints, inspiring doubting believers, and delighting her Lord and Saviour. Are you 'standing in the gap' for someone today? Be encouraged. Your prayers will move God and He will come through for you.

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